Setup Enviroment
IDE: Visual studio code. Highly recommand this
How to install python3 in vscode. Click here
If you get any problem, let me know.
First program
You can create a folder that contains your code then open it by vscode. After that open terminal (control + shilf + `), you can see terminal in bottom.
Create new file (.py): Then copy this to
print("Hello world")
Press command + s to save file
Run program:
To run
Data type
In python, you don’t need to define type of variable
Example | Type |
x = 25 | int |
x = “Hello World” | str |
x = 2.5 | float |
x = True | bool |
bool type has only 2 value: “True/False”
Data type advance
List is a type that you can contains multiple value
list = [1, "2", 3.3, True] # it can contains different type
Access item List items are indexed (start index = 0) and you can access it by referring by index number:
list = [1, "2", 3.3, True]
print(list[0]) # it will be 1
print(list[3]) # it will be True
Change item You can change value of item
list[0] = 2 # change value of item 0
list[1:3] = ["3", False] # change value of item 1 and 3
Append You add the item to the end of list
list.append("Add item")
Remove the item
list = [1, "2", 3.3, True]
list.remove(1) # remove item = 1 (first item from left to right)
list.pop() # remove item of the end of list
list.del(1) # remove specific index item